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One to One Sessions

Everyone is so different and all needs are different – so this is why one to one sessions are so invaluable. 
We will look at YOU …. see your needs, your ability, energy, lifestyle, age, flexibility, while focusing on your goals.
 The knowledge that is given will set you on a healing journey, slowly being more aware of the body’s needs and have the tools to heal yourself.

Ayurvedic Consultation

Get to know your Prakrati, Vikriti and Dosha and be empowered to know the balance of life.
Knowing your Prakrati (natural state) will help you to recognise imbalances (Vikriti), to see the start of disease and to know yourself on a subtle and intuitive level.
After an in-depth consultation to get to know YOU, you will receive advice and guidance which can include foods and herbs that are recommended, lifestyle changes, seasonal observations and any other suggestions for your constitution (dosha type).
This information will be very enlightening and empowering to help make the changes you are looking for in your life.
Targets people wanting to be more empowered and intuitive to mind and body’s needs.

Ayurvedic Consultation includes an initial 60 – 90 minute consult. 
A follow up session is then needed to discuss the findings and how to implement them into your life.
Sessions can be online or in person in Hamilton and Raglan, New Zealand.
Package price $160

Personal Therapeutic Yoga Practice

A daily yoga practice that is suited perfectly to YOU.
First an in-depth consult using Ayurvedic techniques to understand your needs and body type. The follow up is an introduction to your practice with two more sessions to define and support your journey. This can include movement, breath, chanting and will reflect your needs and wants, capability, time constraints, lifestyle and can potentially “if applied” be life changing. to the effet
Targets people wanting to reconnect to the body, inflexibility, lower back pain, joint stiffness, stress, anxity, panic, memory loss, allergies, adrenal fatigue, insomnia, depression, stuck in a rut, lack of faith, wanting some peace.
This list is endless to the effects and the subtle changes a practice can bring.

A personal yoga practice includes an initial 60-90 minute consultation. Three more sessions are needed to first introduce the practice then establish and support your journey.
Sessions can be online or in person in Hamilton or Raglan, New Zealand.
Package price $390

Ancient Tools of Yoga

  • Asana (posture)
  • Pranayama (focused breathing)
  • Chanting mantra (ancient scriptures)
  • Philosophy (yoga sutra)
  • Meditation (dhyana)
Contact TINA

Start your journey today

Mobile: +64 (021) 262 2726